DW-ONE Triple Color

DW-ONE Biathlonstock Triple Color

The Concept of DW One

Wood, metal, and plastic come together to create an unprecedented biathlonstock.

The DW One Biathlonstock is crafted with cutting-edge materials. We use national walnut or multi-layered maple wood for greater stability and resistance to bending. High-quality titanium is used to create small, sturdy joints, allowing for unconventional modulation. Components made from eco-friendly plastic are developed with state-of-the-art technologies, ensuring durability, grip, and unique customization. DW One pushes standards forward with unmatched innovation and quality.


All the biathlonstock plastic parts can be fully costumizable by the customer on request.

Order your DW-ONE Biathlonstock filling the form below

Please fill correctly all the tabs to make sure we can respond as best as we can.



Please see the size: CLICK HERE
Biathletes usually use the forearm measurement that goes from inside elbow to end of palm and beginning of middle finger.
Choose your biathlonstock's size correctly.

Choose your color #1 in the pantone page: CLICK HERE
Then fill the tab with the NAME of the PANTONE you choose.

Choose your color #2 in the pantone page: CLICK HERE
Then fill the tab with the NAME of the PANTONE you choose.

Choose your color #3 in the pantone page: CLICK HERE
Then fill the tab with the NAME of the PANTONE you choose.


Please see the size and the shapes here: CLICK HERE
Choose your size correctly.


Please see the size and the shapes here: CLICK HERE
Choose your size correctly.


Please see the size and the shapes here: CLICK HERE
Choose your size correctly.


Please see the size and the shapes here: CLICK HERE
Choose your size correctly.


Please see the size and the shapes here: CLICK HERE
Choose your size correctly.

Do you need extra informations or want to ad a special request?
Please fil the text area below.

The DW-ONE Biathlonstock Set will be delivered with the following components:
  • Complete Walnut / Maple wooden Biathlonstock, or customizable in various colors (prices will change depending on the choice of "MAX 3" shades).
  • Metal bedding for Rifle with only "Sprint" mechanics.
  • Various sizes of stops to choose from, as defined on the website.
  • Standig knob with bullet holder, various sizes as defined on the website.
  • Right-hand knob "adjustable forward-backward" with various sizes as defined on the website.
  • Cheekpiece complete with bullet holder.
  • Bracket for fixing shoulder straps with elastic strap holder plate.
  • Complete shoulder bracket.

for any further informations please contact us at info@dw-one.com